Spirituality has been an intensive focus of mine for the past twenty five years.  It's been disheartening to discover how few therapeutic resources there are available to those who are engaged in a serious spiritual exploration.  There are many challenges that can arise on the spiritual path, which make it important to have guidance with someone who is familiar with the terrain.  It is this intersection of one's personal psyche with the transpersonal Self that holds such intrigue for me.  This is an area in which I bring some specialization to the psychotherapeutic process.  If you are struggling with spiritual emergence/emergency, spiritual bypassing, religious wounding, kundalini rising or the integration of non-duality teachings, I would be eager to work with you.  

My graduate studies had an emphasis on transpersonal and Jungian psychologies.  Most western psychologies are restricted to the investigation of the ego; this is their blindspot.  A life spent in egoic identification will be inherently problematic; it's the vastness beyond the ego that holds infinite potential.  This is the area where we can tap into the rich material of the unconscious- it's dreams, images, symbols, and signposts.  I've worked with clients who have had a wide range of spiritual backgrounds.  Some have been identified within a religious framework, while others have left it behind due to wounding or a lack of resonance.  Many identify more loosely with being spiritual and inquire within a number of spiritual traditions- a process that can be hard to sort through.   I'm eager to work with whichever onramp/s you have to the Sacred.  Please get in touch to discuss the particularities of your spiritual path.