I discovered my love of psychology during my undergraduate years at Smith College and the University of Washington. After earning my BA, I went on to Antioch University to complete my Masters in 2005. My psychotherapy practice has focused on long-term, depth work for individuals; I do not work with children, couples, or families. Over the years, I've noticed that I seem to be best suited to work with highly sensitive and introspective individuals. There's no greater privilege than to deeply know another. I have a deep trust in the psyche's instinct to move towards cohesion. This process is encouraged by a sincere curiosity and willingness to encounter everything within us. The more we understand something, the less we judge it. Ultimately this becomes a lifelong inner attitude. There is no end to our exploration.
I am from Seattle, Washington, but Whidbey Island has been a part-time home throughout my life. Like so many, the pandemic rerouted plans and my family ended up moving to the island full time in 2021. When I'm not at the office, I can likely be found on my favorite beach hike collecting agates and feathers or cold plunging in the salty waters under a starry night's sky.